10th Grade
The lesson plan is about energy transfer in an ecosystem using beads. Students will participate in an interactive simulation about energy transfer. They will collect data and ultimately create a class
5th Grade, 6th Grade
In this lesson, students will collaborate and communicate effectively with peers to complete an engineering design challenge using the Engineering Design Process. Students will be using technology to
Tide Pools Ecosystem: Human Impact
6th Grade
This lesson plan includes ideas and materials to last for 5 days. The students will be learning about human impact on tide pools and engineering their own solution. On the first day will be about
4th Grade
This 90-minute lesson is focused on ELA with integration on Science and Engineering. The lesson will discuss about Ecology for Kids which target skill is getting the main idea and supporting details
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade
This lesson is part of a school-wide project to renovate a greenhouse and create a native seed library. This lesson is intended to create intrinsic motivation to engage in the project. This lesson
3rd Grade
In this lesson, students will create a unique animal and then describe & draw it in a specific habitat. The students will determine what adaptations the animal needs to survive in the habitat and
3rd Grade
In this lesson, students will research a variety of habitats. They will then use their research to document what they learned using technology. This information will be used in future lessons to build
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
This is an 8-lesson unit that is designed to be used together to learn about the health and diversity of your local watershed by placing leaf packs into a water source (natural or man-made ponds
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
This is an 8-lesson unit that is designed to be used together to learn about the health and diversity of your local watershed by placing leaf packs into a water source (natural or man-made ponds