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Submit a Lesson Plan

Help us build our lesson plan repository and provide important resources to teachers across the state.

Lesson Plan Template

Sample Lesson Plan


We are currently not accepting new lesson plans but plan to re-open the lesson plan submission page in early May 2025.


Please use an email address you will have access to for the entirety of the project. Please use the same email address for every submission.
Starting September 1, ASAP Fellows should provide their ID as part of their lesson plan submission. Your ID is your last name + the last four digits of your phone number (e.g., Smith5555). If you don't know your ID or you are not an ASAP Fellow, type "None" in the field.
Lesson Plan

Plain text

  • No HTML tags allowed.
  • Web page addresses and email addresses turn into links automatically.
Please provide a short preview of the lesson (200 characters max). This description will be included with the title when teachers search for lesson plans.
Lesson Plan Number
As an ASAP fellow, we are asking you to submit four lesson plans. Which lesson plan number is this?
Lesson Grade Level
Subject Area
Note: Because these lesson plans will be shared on a publicly accessible website, please ensure that there is no personally identifying information (student names, photos, etc.) in your submission.
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.