A Stop Motion Animated Movie with a Green Screen background based off of a Lego Challenge built in Lesson 1. Students will create a storyboard and script. This is Lesson 2 of 4 lessons.
Part 1 of a four-part series of lessons that begins with a Lego Challenge which will become the set for a stop motion video created by students.
This is a continuation of lessons 1, 2 and 3. Students will test their cars for distance and speed. Students will add weight to the car and test for distance and speed again to determine if their car
This is a continuation of lesson 1 and 2. Students will learn about kinetic vs. potential energy and apply that knowledge to their car designs.
This lesson is a continuation of lesson 1. Students will learn about Newton's Laws of motion and apply those concepts to their car designs.
Students will use a kid friendly online CAD modeling program to create a car design. Students will then carve their car using floral wet foam, wheels and axels to race in the derby.
The lesson objective to introduce students to the engineering process. Students will be able to implement basic engineering concepts and problem-solving skills using the Wonder Dash robot and LEGO
Students learn about passive solar energy and design and build a model of a passive solar house.
Students will develop a model of a city and have it be protected from "the clickers".