STEM in the Garden: Mr. Potato Head Comes Alive!!!
by Lisa Moberg
Students will participate in a hands-on scientific experiment that addresses the question: "Can you grow plants without seeds?" To further explore this concept, students will actively listen to a read aloud, "Two Old Potatoes and Me," participate in academic conversations, make scientific observations using the 5 senses, apply mathematical skills, determine variables in a scientific experiement, and document data for 2 weeks. At the end of the 2 week experiment, students will create How to Guides about Growing Potatoes, sharing the information with their families as they transfer the potato plants to grow at home.
Lesson Plan Link/URL…Subject Area
Science Life Science L1: Cells L2: Organisms & Energy Technology 1. Empowered Learner 3. Knowledge Constructor 4. Innovative Designer 6. Creative Communicator Mathematics Measurement and Data (MD) English Language Arts (ELA) Reading (Literature) Writing Speaking & Listening
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