This lesson focuses on animal habitats, as well as nonstandard unit measuring and data tables! The students will research an animal of their choice and identify what it needs in its habitat, as well
Be a part of the humanitarian effort and teach students how to create a fully functioning 3D printed prosthetic arm for a client in need. This lesson walks you through the process in a slideshow
Encouraging students, from a young age, to think about their interests, dreams and goals lets them see possibilities for the future. As students listen to their thoughts and put those thoughts into
This third-grade STEM lesson introduces students to solar energy, the heat island effect, and data analysis. Students will use temperature gauges to measure different areas of the school at various
During this novel study, students will build background knowledge on water scarcity focusing on both physical and economic water scarcity. Students will learn the definition of scarcity, view a
In this unit, students will identify what a shelter is and why we need it. Students will identify the different types of shelters and materials needed depending on climate and their surroundings
This lesson is centered around the book, The World's Best Class Plant. It is intended for 1st-3rd grade. Ideally, teachers would use this lesson at the beginning of the year so they can have their
In this integrated 3rd-grade lesson, students will explore different landforms, learn about fractions, and use technology to enhance their understanding. The lesson begins with an introduction to
In this lesson, students design, build and test model candy cars made from simple materials. They measure the changes in distance and travel by the addition of revision of design features. Students