Jack’s Garden Adventure: Garden Exploration with Kindergarten
by Sheryl Wells
In the "Jack's Garden Adventure" lesson, kindergarten students will develop an appreciation for nature and gardening through a combination of storytelling and hands-on activities. Starting with a read-aloud of "Jack's Garden" by Henry Cole, students will learn about garden tools and plant roles. They will then explore the school garden, using magnifying glasses to observe plants, soil, and insects closely. Students will participate in planting seeds or seedlings, learning proper techniques and the importance of caring for plants. The lesson includes a measurement activity where students use cubes to compare plant measurements incorporating mathematical language like "taller" "longer" and "shorter." This lesson aims to teach basic gardening components, environmental stewardship, and mathematical comparison skills in an engaging and interactive way.
Lesson Grade Level
KindergartenLesson Plan Link/URL
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1afUXtgG0Ut6eAf-TSq8kScDzvi4HbKHl/edit?u…Related Content
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