6th Grade
Students will use a Scratch template to make a model of the seasons, one from a view above the ecliptic, one to the side of the ecliptic and then a distance-time graph. Students will be using their
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Environmental Masters of Disaster Team (groups of 3-5 students) will choose an man-made environmental disaster, analyze its effects, then engineer a method or prototype to solve the problem.
4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
This lesson plan includes ideas and materials centered on Mark Kelly's book Mousetronaut. The students will be discussing gravity and listening to the book. They will then be participating in an
Tide Pools Ecosystem: Human Impact
6th Grade
This lesson plan includes ideas and materials to last for 5 days. The students will be learning about human impact on tide pools and engineering their own solution. On the first day will be about
7th Grade
Students in this lesson will be recording weather data for the city that each student has chosen for 2-3 weeks. Students will be able to record and analyze weather patterns for a selected city
4th Grade
This 90-minute lesson is focused on ELA with integration on Science and Engineering. The lesson will discuss about Ecology for Kids which target skill is getting the main idea and supporting details
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade
This lesson is part of a school-wide project to renovate a greenhouse and create a native seed library. This lesson is intended to create intrinsic motivation to engage in the project. This lesson
9th Grade, 10th Grade
This lesson plan focuses around 4 key topics, with activities for each. The plan covers renewable energy, solar energy, why solar energy is important, and what the children can do to conserve energy
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
In this meaningful lesson, students use creativity, imagination, and engineering skills to create a water conservation model that can be scaled up and used in a garden. Students are encouraged to