In this hands-on lesson, students will plan, build and create a roller coaster from random materials that a Ping Pong ball can travel through. Students engage in the engineering design process as they
The scenario is that you are heading to the moon to do a year residency program. You desire a “radio tower” to be built so that you can communicate with your friends back on Earth. This Challenge
In this lesson students will work in groups to design a new weather instrument that will better predict weather. They will do a gallery walk and have the opportunity to redesign based on feedback
Students will use the engineering design process to plan and create a robotic arm that could be used in space exploration to places like Mars.
Students will establish teams and use STEM skills to create models of a Phobos Base that fits in an imaginary 80cm cube and sits on a 1-meter project base. It includes facilities, rocket landing site
Today we will collaborate and communicate effectively with our peers to complete an engineering design challenge, building an obstacle course for a drone. Today students will be able to: To use manual
This lesson will explore how bees are essential to plant life and, therefore, human life. Students will learn about how social bees work together. They will also investigate why some bee populations
Students will learn about balanced vs unbalanced forces by trying to rescue bears from the "Lava" (the table) using certain given supplies.