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VR Chain Reaction Machines ~ Day 2

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More VR integration in the classroom, oh my! This is the second lesson of a two-day exploration of chain reactions. On day one, students received a general overview of chain reactions, Rube Goldberg and his Machines, Oculus Quest 2 operation, the VR Gadgeteer Application, and the online game Dynamic Systems.
Today, the class is broken into two groups after a brief review of the Quest 2 controls. Each group will spend about 20 minutes on the online game and Quest 2, then they will switch devices. Students will apply their prior knowledge of the engineering process, variables, and the use of other gaming technologies to both the computer-based online VR game and the Gadgeteer App inside the Quest 2 headset. These two days of lessons are excellent tools to reinforce Physical Science, Engineering, and Algebraic concepts.

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Grades: 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
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