This lesson is part 2 of 2. In lesson one, students create a scale drawing (blueprint) of a sustainable house. In this lesson, students use their scale drawing to create a scale model of a sustainable
In this lesson, students will code Edison robots to travel through the rock cycle. Students will describe characteristics of the metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous rocks to create legos models
As an intro to Thermal Energy, students are challenged to create a warmer that will keep my coffee warm. Students project will be tested in class, data will be collected, compared, and graphed.
Gardening in an Arizona summer is a struggle. This lesson has students use biomimicry to design a way of protecting a garden from the heat and sun. They will read articles before designing a shade and
What is biomimicry? What's wrong with Pringles cans? Students explore these questions in the lesson. They will read an article about Pringles cans before using biomimicry to design a new can.
This lesson is part four of four lessons, which culminates in the flight of drones built by the students. Lesson 4: FLY focuses on the controller pairing and functions, troubleshooting possible
Students will learn about the four types of seismic waves during an earthquake. Students will then use that information to design a house that can absorb a majority of the seismic waves, limiting the
Students research the impact natural hazards in a city in the southwest and create an artifact to prompt public action.
Bee Colony Collapse Disorder was first discovered around 2005. Since then, 60-80 percent of honey bee hives have been affected. Scientists thought they were making progress into identifying the