This lesson has students build a half adder, a fundamental building block for digital computers. This is a hands-on lesson that includes resources.
Students will discuss current baseball teams names and mascots. Then students are tasked to design a new team name/logo/mascot for a city/state that does not currently have a major league team
Students use Google Earth Timelapse to observe changes to glaciers over time before completing an investigation on the effects of melting sea ice and land ice on global sea level rise. This
Students will learn about what a batting average is in baseball. They will learn how you calculate it and represent it as they do in baseball. Students will also track hits and what results from them
This hands-on lesson uses a Modeling Instruction approach to experimental design and analysis leading students to develop the graphical and mathematical relationships for accelerated motion, or
This is a phenomena-based lesson where students will create a model to demonstrate the earth’s rotation during each season to investigate the change in light during the seasons. Links to resources are
This engaging lesson allows students the opportunity to employ prior knowledge while demonstrating knowledge of various standards in an inter-disciplinary, hands-on lesson. The utilization of data
I can use the engineering process to create a shock absorbing system that will protect two “astronauts” in a lander as it is dropped from various heights on the moon.
This is the second part of the 5E lesson Greenhouse Gases and the biosphere. It contains the Explain and Elaborate sections of the lesson. Students will be using computers to gather more information