Roller Coaster Marble Run
by Patricia "Trish" Simmons
In this hands-on lesson, students will have a teacher read aloud: "Rosie Revere, Engineer" and discuss the importance of perseverance and imagination while creating, building, and testing. They will work in teams of 3 to create Roller Coaster Marble Runs out of thin foam pool noodles cut lengthwise. Students will use masking or painter's tape to assemble foam channels in various configurations to explore force and motion. They will record and share findings in a variety of ways, based on choice.
Lesson Grade Level
1st GradeLesson Plan Link/URL…Subject Area
Science Physical Science P2: Objects at a Distance P3: Net Force P4: Energy Transfer Engineering S2: Apply the Engineering Design Process S4: Apply Science to Engineering S6: Apply Communications to Engineering Mathematics Measurement and Data (MD) English Language Arts (ELA) Reading (Literature) Writing
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