4th Grade
The project requires students to act as mechanical and electrical engineers who are tasked with planning, designing, and testing a new toy invention. This toy must have functioning lights, and teams
4th Grade
This lesson is the final project in a unit that focuses on circuitry. The task is for students to plan, design, and test a 3D house using electrical circuits that function correctly. To add more
6th Grade
In this unit, students will study the effects of acid rain and chemically engineer an environmentally friendly solution to neutralize the acid in a simulated river contaminated by factory run-off
5th Grade
In this lesson, students will be measuring the dimensions of the classroom, then calculating its perimeter, area, volume and (optional) surface area. Then they will participate in a design challenge
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Students will learn how to create a 3D avatar using Tinkercad and develop their digital design skills. Students will explore the concept of avatars and the role they play in digital media.
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Model Building For Disaster is a 4-6 week unit in which students research natural disasters around the world and their effect on developing countries. Following their research, student teams design
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
This lesson plan will introduce students to the basics of 3D modeling and design using Tinkercad and allow them to apply their skills to create a model car. It will also help them develop their
6th Grade
In this unit, students will study the effects of air pollution and engineer an environmentally friendly air filter to reduce pollutants in the air using common household items and recycled materials
Scatterplots Using Stomp Rockets
8th Grade
Students will use stomp rockets to collect data. With this data they will create and analyze trends of a scatterplot.
8th Grade
Students will use knowledge of translation, rotation and reflection to create unique 3d designs. Students will be designing backpack tags using geometry principals on graph paper, then transferring
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
This lesson plan will introduce students to the basics of 3D modeling and design using Tinkercad. Materials: Computers with internet access Tinkercad accounts for each student (if your school does not
7th Grade
This lesson plan is written for 7th grade science but can be modified to be used with any age group. Students will create petri dishes and will collect samples from bathrooms. Students will then
6th Grade
In this unit, students will study the effects of atmospheric pressure and air resistance on objects to engineer a landing apparatus to land cargo in space. They will then write a Claim based on
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
In groups students will construct a roller coaster made completely out of paper that a marble can travel on. The goal is to have the "ride" last for a longer time than other and be able to explain the
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Summary: This lesson uses the children's picture book Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty and can easily be adapted for any grade level. Students will listen to the story of Rosie Revere and
5th Grade
This hands-on lesson will help students to understand the connection between Earth's orbit around the sun and how it relates to the time of day. Students create a sundial and will trace the shadow
5th Grade
Who said candy?! In this hands-on lesson, students create rock candy using hot water and Kool-Aid flavoring. They will mix materials together and observe their creation.
4th Grade, 5th Grade
This lesson teaches students about lines, angles, measuring and naming angles, using a protractor, and engages students by having them build a catapult and measure best angle for furthest launch.
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
Students will create an original design using only plastic bags in this creative lesson. They will reuse plastic bags to create a useful product they could sell. Students will use evidence to
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
Analyze and interpret data they have collected from an owl pellet dissection to answer a question. Use a dichotomous key to identify bones of prey species found in an owl pellet. List of Materials owl
6th Grade, 7th Grade
Students explore the relationship between the speed(rate of travel) of an object, the distance it travels, and the amount of time it travels for. Teachers may use: A- Air rockets(from a previous
2nd Grade
Students will observe caterpillars and make a model of what a caterpillar looks like. Materials needed: Live caterpillars, pictures of caterpillars, marshmallows, toothpicks, pipe cleaners, rubber
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade
In this engaging lesson, students measure throw-ins and convert their data to meters by dividing by 100. They will evaluate measurement systems and decide the best measurement size. You will need
6th Grade
In this 3rd and final lesson in a series of 3, students examine prior knowledge about the real-world problem of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and apply their findings to design solutions. Students