Gardening for Our Classroom - What is a Flowering Plant? - 3 of 4
Students will design and create a model of a flowering plant that correctly displays its external structure.
Straws, toothpicks, felt, paper, string, wooden skewers, modeling clay, construction paper, tissue paper, foam paper, scissors. Enrichment option: styrofoam, soil, hair dryer/fan and spray bottle.
Start by discussing this questions as a whole class and giving plenty of time for small groups to come up with answers and share in class.
*What is a plant? What’s the purpose?
*What is a flower? What’s the purpose?
*Students will draw a blueprint/diagram of their flowering plant prototype.
*Student will then label the parts of the flowering part and describe its function.
*After completing the diagram and with all of the available materials, students will create a prototype of their flowering plant.
*When students complete their designed prototype they will share or present in class.
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