Dancing With the Stars (Constellation Movement)
by Kirstin Udall
This ADI lesson plan engages students in the process of inquiry and argumentation, helping them develop a deeper understanding of the movement of constellations in the sky through hands-on investigation of star trails. Students will discover why we can see some constellations continuously and others seasonally through collaborative learning.
Lesson Grade Level
6th GradeLesson Plan Link/URL
https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1j5YPqSHMPoE6tdJ-PxJ3Hm2GFC9Scvyd/edit?u…Subject Area
Science Earth and Space Science E1: Earth Systems E2: Earth & the Universe Technology 1. Empowered Learner 3. Knowledge Constructor 6. Creative Communicator Engineering S2: Apply the Engineering Design Process Mathematics Geometry (G) English Language Arts (ELA) Reading (Informational Text) Writing Speaking & ListeningRelated Content
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