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Anatomy model shoulders and above

BioFeedbacked to BioEngineering

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The purpose of this project is to provide students with a hands-on learning experience that combines the study of human body systems with engineering principles. By investigating the interaction between the respiratory and circulatory systems through the use of pulse oximeters, students will gain an understanding of feedback loops and homeostasis. They will then apply this knowledge to design and test low-cost prosthetic limbs, considering how these feedback systems impact the effectiveness of their designs. This project aims to highlight the societal relevance of biomedical engineering and encourage innovative thinking to create solutions that can improve the lives of individuals with limb loss. Students will explore how biomedical engineering can improve the lives of individuals with limb loss by designing and testing a low-cost prosthetic limb. They will understand how feedback systems are crucial in the functionality of prosthetics and hypothesize about the effectiveness of their designs.

Lesson Grade Level

7th Grade

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Grades: 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade
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This project sets students up to explore animal anatomy and physiology with the idea of replacing a lost appendage (beak, leg, tail, fin, etc.) This is used in small groups of 2 or 3 over the course