This lesson combines ELA (reading and discussing the story), engineering (design a balloon with materials given and attach the balloon to an EdBot), and technology (code an EdBot to run the parade
Students will read the story, "How to Catch an Elf". Then students will use the engineering design process to plan, create, test and improve their elf trap. Students would see if their trap caught
Just like many things we do in our lives, pumpkin growth and coding follow a pattern. Students will learn the life cycle of a pumpkin and fill in a practice page that talks about the pumpkin's life
In this lesson, students learn about seals. They will listen to a story about orcas and what they eat. Next, they plan and build an island for the seals to get away from the orcas. Finally, students
A coding activity for the STEM teacher that has to participate in Literacy Night at school! This activity/lesson will introduce students to coding as a fundamental element of literacy and ties in well