7th Grade
The emphasis of this lesson is for students to see that their heart rate will increase after 1 minute of jumping jacks because the cells need additional oxygen while exercising, making their heartbeat
6th Grade
Students will be designing a shade structure to fit a mini-raised garden bed in order to help it adapt to the increasing sunshine in summer.
6th Grade
Students will track and collect data on the growth of micro-greens. They will also make a time lapse animation of the growth of the micro-greens.
4th Grade
This 4th grade STEAM lesson focuses on introducing students to Earth's four systems: Hydrosphere, Geosphere, Atmosphere, and Biosphere (excluding the Lithosphere). Students will learn about the Greek
1st Grade
Students will experiment with light and shadows, learn the values of coins, and then perform a puppet show combining their knowledge of light and shadows with their knowledge of coin values to tell
5th Grade
In this lesson, your students will be engaged in learning about forces and motion while using fractions in line plots. Students will record the spin time of different objects, they will display data
9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
This lesson is a follow-up to the lesson titled "Creating Sustainable Solutions with Bioplastics Part 1". In this lesson, students evaluate different ingredients for bioplastics and create a minimum
9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade
In this lesson students evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of conventional, petroleum-based plastics, bioplastics, and their different varieties. The lesson is driven by class/group research
5th Grade
Biologists have noticed that the saguaro mortality rates have increased in Central and Southern Arizona. They don’t know why - but they have some ideas. In this unit, students will learn more about