6th Grade
Students will explore energy, electricity, and engineering in this hands-on lesson using the Kidwind kit to create a wind turbine.
7th Grade
In this lesson students will discuss how contact forces cause energy to be transferred and objects to move. They will learn that sound waves involve contact forces. Students will consider how contact
Salt Lamps and Plants
7th Grade, 8th Grade
Students in this lesson will set up an investigation to see if a salt lamp affects plant growth. They will use what they know about photosynthesis and cellular respiration to make sure the plants have
5th Grade, 6th Grade
In this lesson, students will collaborate and communicate effectively with peers to complete an engineering design challenge using the Engineering Design Process. Students will be using technology to
6th Grade
Students will be working cooperatively to explore wind energy and electricity by engineering wind turbine blades.
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Environmental Masters of Disaster Team (groups of 3-5 students) will choose an man-made environmental disaster, analyze its effects, then engineer a method or prototype to solve the problem.
8th Grade
In this lesson, students are challenged to design and build a controlled-release tablet, which will be made from different colored bath tablets and a variety of water-soluble plastics. First, they
4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
This lesson plan includes ideas and materials centered on Mark Kelly's book Mousetronaut. The students will be discussing gravity and listening to the book. They will then be participating in an
Tide Pools Ecosystem: Human Impact
6th Grade
This lesson plan includes ideas and materials to last for 5 days. The students will be learning about human impact on tide pools and engineering their own solution. On the first day will be about