Arizona Farms Part 1
Stage one of a 4 stage project. Students will research crops and seasons to create a blueprint that will serve as the guidelines for building a small functioning farm.
Lesson Grade Level
6th GradeLesson Plan Link/URL…Related Content
In this lesson, students will learn about Wilson Bentley, the "farmer scientist" who pioneered photomicrography to photograph snowflakes and share them with the world. Students will then design and
How old is Earth? How big is 1 million years compared to 1 billion years? Students will use three models to organize geologic time and practice cross multiplication to solve for a variable.
24 Hour Garbage Lab
Three day lesson on garbage, recycling, and composting. Day 1: Students are provided a garbage bag and no instruction on recycling. *Collect all of your disposable garbage for 24 hours. Bring it back