Aeronautics-Basic handling Lesson 8. (Microsoft Flight Simulator)
This is lesson 8 of 8 Basic Handling Lessons. This is the culmination Attitude Test in which students apply all of the Handling lessons to an actual flight.
This is a 3 minute flight simulator lesson.
Basic Handling-Attitude Test Lesson #8:
In this test, students will review the attitudes by combining a climb and a turn.
Students will then review the power settings and straight and level flight.
Students will reduce the power while maintaining the heading and altitude of the aircraft.
3. Students will review that Elevators provide lift while affecting airspeed and altitude.
4. Students will review that Ailerons provide lift while affecting direction.
5. Students will review that the Rudder affects directional balance.
Lesson Plan Link/URL…Subject Area
Science Physical Science P3: Net Force P4: Energy Transfer Technology 3. Knowledge ConstructorRelated Content
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