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Project Archaeology - Investigating Shelter Workshop

PD Hours 6.00
PD Provider National Rural STEM Summit

Calling all formal and informal K-12 science teachers! Here is your chance to bring the science of Archaeology into your classrooms!

Discover the past through evidence from an Archaeological site in Arizona! This six-hour workshop will demonstrate how investigating an Archaeological dig of a Native American pithouse, (using the tools of scientific inquiry), helps students to understand past people and cultures. Explore ways to engage students through hands-on inquiry-based learning using a curriculum that aligns with Arizona State Standards, and transform your classroom into a community of student Archaeologists who ask questions, make observations and support their inferences with evidence, analyze primary sources, relate culture to their own lives, and passionately share what they learn in a variety of ways.

Lunch, one copy of Project Archaeology: Investigating Shelter, one copy of Project Archaeology: Investigating a Pithouse (a $80 total value), and a certificate of completion for six professional development hours will be provided to all workshop participants. In addition, the first 15 workshop participants will receive a $25 stipend and all attendees will have a chance to win classroom tools related to the Investigating Shelter curriculum.

This PD workshop is being hosted in collaboration with the National Rural STEM Summit, and is considered a pre-conference event for the summit! To register for this workshop this link below will take you to the National Rural STEM Summit website, and just select the Preconference option during registration if this is the only event you wish to attend. We hope to see you there!

Community Foundation of Southern Arizona Meeting Room - 5049 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson AZ 85711

For more information contact:

National Rural STEM Summit