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Neurodiverse Educational Wearable- Music Tech (NEW-MT) Teacher Workshop Series, Workshop 1

PD Hours 6.00

This is the first in a series of 6 workshops. Each workshop is 4 hours, with the expectation that teachers will implement workshop lessons in their classrooms (2-3 hours). Participation in the series of workshops could equal 36 to 45 hours of PD.

The research team is currently seeking 25 middle school teachers to participate in a series of six Teacher Fellow-led workshops. Teacher Fellows will introduce the co-designed interdisciplinary computational thinking curriculum during the workshops and the research team will support teacher implementation in their classrooms. The curriculum includes 4 lessons (2-3 hours each), wearable devices, and browser accessible music apps and was co-designed with neurodivergent students, specifically those with autism labels. Teacher participants in this series of workshops will need to teach neurodiverse students, meaning that their class(es) include some students with neurodivergent dis/ability labels (autism, ADHD, specific learning disabilities, giftedness, etc.).

Tentative Workshop Schedule (9:00AM-1:00PM Arizona Time):
December 9, 2023
January 13, 2024
February 3, 2024
February 24, 2024
March 23, 2024
April 6, 2024

If interested in this opportunity, please contact Cintya Arcos at for more information or to request the link to the registration form. 


For more information contact:

Neurodiversity Education Research Center