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AZ Ambitious 3D Teaching: Eliciting Students' Ideas

PD Hours 15.00

Description: Using a Communities of Practice (CoP) model, we will work together to master the Core Practice Set 2 “Eliciting Students’ Ideas” outlined in Ambitious Science Teaching by Mark Windschitl, Jessica Thompson, and Melissa Braaten ( Once registered, you will receive the Ambitious Science Teaching text by mail and we will begin meeting monthly through Zoom and in-person. Between August and November, we will be sharing ideas about what works, learning from others, gaining new ideas and growing together. Participants are invited to participate in ASTA’s Annual Conference November 2-3 (registration included).

Cohort 2 Meeting Dates:

September 21, 2023 Virtual
September 30, 2023 In-Person
October 12, 2023 Virtual
November 2-3 In-Person
November 16, 2023 Virtual
Location: Meeting both in-person and virtually between August-November 23, most in-person meetings will be held in the Phoenix area with locations announced soon.

Cost: $25 for non-members, $15 for members and ASU Fellows

Contact: For more information, contact

Virtual and In Person

For more information contact:

Arizona Science Teachers Association