Students are tasked with using the Engineering Design Process to create a Valentine's Day mailbox to collect Valentine cards in the classroom. Designs will include a theme, geometry examples (angles
Students are tasked with using the Engineering Design Process to create a system of harvesting rainwater to meet the needs of residents in communities that have a scarce water supply (shortage of
With this lesson, students work in teams and are tasked with creating and designing a greener/cleaner city that has a minimum of 20 green/clean sustainable features. In order to engineer this, the
Students will compare and contrast homes and technology from 50 years ago to the present day. Students will design a SMART home gadget that can be implemented into SMART homes of the future.
A coding activity for the STEM teacher that has to participate in Literacy Night at school! This activity/lesson will introduce students to coding as a fundamental element of literacy and ties in well
This lesson is part one of two lessons. Students create a step-by-step guide on how to grow a plant from a seed. They must include the required materials, conditions, and steps involved.
In this lesson students will combine their understanding of art and engineering to create their own twist on the famous Jeff Koons balloon sculptures. The students will then write an Artist statement
Students will be paired up, or a group of three if one odd number, and create a Mom and Dad creature with Dominant and Recessive Traits that get passed on to two offspring through the flipping of a
On Day 3, students take their journey to the next level. After gaining insights into plant life cycles and the crucial role of pollinators in the first two days, they now get hands-on and creative. In