In this lesson, students will learn about rate through their lettuce seeds in our hydroponic machine. Students use an Excel spreadsheet to document their findings.
Do the colors of our world attract sunlight differently? In this lesson, students will use color and temperature to test and graph answers to this question. Provided are certain links to read
This lesson is a great way to highlight Earth's rotation in addition to its revolution. Students build a model Earth with an axis to understand the tilt in the Earth and how it is responsible for the
Using Stop Motion Animation to Show Step-by-Step Instructions and Solve Real World Math Problems
Stop motion is a great way for students to slow down working through the steps in math to demonstrate their understanding of math concepts. Students can film a short story or step-by-step instructions
By creating a stop motion animation, students will gain a deeper understanding of how landforms develop, are weathered, and erode. This is an engaging way to help infer the history of the current
This STEM project allowed students to embark on an exciting journey of entrepreneurship with "Ride to Success." In this immersive STEM lesson plan, students will not only learn the ins and outs of
In this engaging lesson, students will program Edison robots to travel forward for 3 seconds. They will run 5 trials to measure distance, collecting data each time. They will compare data with
In this lesson students will find the diameter of M&Ms. They will enter their data into a class data bank using Microsoft Excel. They will analyze the class data set and then find the mean diameter of
In this engaging lesson, students construct a real solar oven, cook food, gather data, and analyze the data to interpret if their oven was successful or not. The lesson culminates with a presentation.